The Gilded CAGE book launch
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About the book
Are you trapped in a CAGE?
We live today in a society where we can be surrounded by success and yet still feel like there is something missing. Maybe you have this vague sense that there should be something more to life.
Maybe you’ve thought, ‘Is this all there is?’
Most of us live our lives as a limited version of what is truly possible because we buy into the lie that we can’t have what we truly want, and so we may, in fact, not even truly know what we want. We are trapped inside the CAGE of our thoughts, feelings and beliefs, and we believe that our perception of life is our reality.
The truth, though, is that what we think is going on is not what’s actually going on. Our perception of reality is just that—a perception. But we still buy into it as if it was reality.
We create a CAGE around ourselves to keep us safe, or rather to give us the illusion of safety. But if we stay in our CAGE, we will spend our lives focusing on protecting our heart as opposed to expressing it, and we will never realize the joy of living the life that we would truly love to have—the life that our spirit calls for.
We create a CAGE that ticks enough boxes to make it hard to leave, though it doesn't fill us with joy. A CAGE:
is comfortable but not inspiring
is safe but not fulfilling
is successful-looking but brings no joy
is socially acceptable but not sublime
is functional but not expansive, and
pleases everyone else, but ourselves.
We can, however, choose to step outside of this CAGE, and, instead of living limited lives, settling for safety, comfort and functionality, we can step into the expression of our true spirit, and realization of our true joy.
Carl Jung said, “Until you make the unconscious conscious, it will direct your life and you will call it fate”. My desire in this book is to support you in starting the journey of making ‘the unconscious conscious’ so you can have a choice in the life that you want to lead.
In this book I’m going to make the unconscious conscious and show you how you can step out of your CAGE and create the life you love.
I spent many years living in my gilded cage. It was very comfortable and had all the trappings of success, and yet I yearned for more. One day, I pushed open the door of that CAGE and allowed myself to live the life that I truly wanted. It wasn’t without fear, but outside of the CAGE I had the strength needed to leave my corporate job, sail across the Caribbean Sea and start my business.
And I’ve not looked back since.
The business has gone from strength to strength and I’ve supported hundreds of people around the world in unlocking their CAGEs and flying free.
Following the exercises in this book, you too can learn how to step out of your CAGE and create more fulfilment and joy in your life.
I promise that once you’ve read this book your life won’t seem the same—you’ll have woken up to what’s really going on in your life and what’s really driving it, and you will be in the driving seat creating what truly brings you joy.
I wish I’d recognised this sooner and I’d had more years of true joy, but then I look at my oldest client, who, at 73, had the courage to say “I too want more from life”, and I’m glad I stepped out when I did.
Don’t be surprised when others start asking you how things are so easy for you—how you created things as if by magic, why you’re so much happier and joyous and enrapt with life. This is one of the many side affects of stepping out of your CAGE.
But in order to do it, it’s important to recognize and understand your CAGE, and allow yourself to unlock it—because unlocking and stepping out of it is a choice that we can make every single day.
It's simple, but not always easy.