Creative Leadership
At Expanding Possibilities, our leadership programs centre around expanding awareness for our clients, including awareness of how they view themselves, their teams, where they are putting their focus, and what is driving their results.
This expanded awareness creates space for innovation, new ways of thinking, and opportunities for increased engagement for themselves and their teams.
"The team wasn't working together as effectively as we could be. Everyone was in their silos and we really weren’t collaborating for the business. Now, everyone's energy is focused on what we want to create and we are going from strength to strength.”
James Bell - President of Cultural Exchange Company
Expanded awareness allows those ‘Ah-ha!’ moments of brilliance to come through more effortlessly. Based on tried-and-true learning and talent development principles, decades of executive and individual coaching, and pulling from a myriad of additional modalities, we tailor our leadership programs to meet your specific needs and outcomes.
We meet you and your teams where they are and help you get to where you want to be. The tools and resources clients learn have far-reaching impacts outside of their day-to-day jobs.
They become better leaders and happier humans.
We believe:
For businesses to expand beyond what we think is rationally possible they need to let go of the known and create a new way of being
Employees are more productive and engaged when they are creating a life and career that serves both their purpose and well-being, unlocking the freedom to live fully and impact meaningfully.
When you tap into your intuition, you unlock a wisdom beyond any external advice or formula. This deeper guidance allows you to create effortlessly, move with confidence, and make decisions that align with your highest vision for yourself, your employees, your customers, your partners and the world
TAKE your business to the next level
"We were wasting months on end going round and round trying to work out our international strategy and everyone was on a different page. Now, we are able to create a strategy for entering a new market in half a day and the business is going global faster than I anticipated."
Victoria Lynden - CEO - Global Recruiting Company
We build high performance organizations by embedding the expanding possibilities pillars of…
Creative Structure
When businessess focus on what they want to create (rather than on problems to solve) they unlock their creativity and innovation and increase productivity and engagement
When you pair intuitive intelligence with rational intelligence you expand your creativity and innovation and improve clarity of the next step speeding up decision making and allowing for faster innovation
Self MAstery
When everyone is able to let go of acting to prove or protect themselves and instead be of service to the end result it frees up time and energy boosting productivity, engagement, and enabling people to better manage stress and change
Self Leadership
Before you can lead a team you must first lead yourself. By developing your own tools you can:
Increase your own sense of joy and wellbeing at work, and in life
Create success with less effort and more ease
Feel good about your contribution
service-led leadership
Once leaders can master themselves they are better able to lead their team to:
Increase productivity
Increase engagement
Increase creativity and innovation
Increase collaboration
Team collaboration
The team collaboration modules address a team’s need to work together effectively for the good of the business by:
Reducing silos
Increasing collaboration
Increasing personal accountability
Increase the speed of decision making
Want to see how this could work in your organization?
These three areas can be delivered separately or as part of a program. We will work with you to identify the strengths and challenges of your team to determine what the best pathway is.
To see what difference the Creative Leadership Program could make to your team book a call and we can see if we would be the best fit to support your team to their next level.