• Do we really know what we'd love?

    When I tell folks that I change lives by “supporting people to create what they love”, I usually get something like, “but I don’t know what I would love?”  I totally understand this feeling of ‘not knowing’ because that is exactly where I was 6 years ago.  Today, I get the most joy from watching someone connect back to and do what they love most.

    Despite all of my professional success,  I knew I wanted more from life. I just didn't know what that was.  A lot of my time was spent seeking the answer: going to self- development workshops, trying to ‘be the best version of me’.  I was so fed up of nothing really changing. All I seemed to do was uncover more things I needed to work on.  I was so tired of hearing ‘you do know what you want’ and ‘just follow your heart’ without any real guidance on HOW to connect to it.  

    Deep down we do know what we want, but we don’t allow ourselves to see it. We keep it buried.  Unfortunately, just being told that ‘we do know it’ without understanding  why we can’t see it, doesn't serve us to know any better!

    We hide the truth of what we love from ourselves because we are trying to protect ourselves from pain.  Over the years, when I’ve dug deep with myself and others, I’ve repeatedly seen three main reasons why we don’t know we want.

    1. We don’t believe it’s possible for us to have it 

    Most people live in a paradigm where they create based on their circumstances and not what they would love. They put all the power into the circumstances: internal(we don’t think we are capable of creating what we love) or external (things outside of us that prevent us from creating).  When we don’t believe that it is possible, our focus, time and energy is spent trying to fix ourselves and  circumstances rather than owning and going for what we would love.  

    2. It doesn’t fit our image of what we should want  

    We may have been told over and over again what we should want  (our parents, friends and society’s version of what success looks like).  We may feel that what we want is not good enough or accepted enough. Essentially, we are not allowed to want it and fear the judgement of saying what we want.  It becomes easier to not know what we want so we can avoid the judgement of others. 


    3. There would be negative consequences if we were to have it 

    We may believe we will lose what we have if we create something we want, or we are being ‘selfish’ and we will be judged.  We may feel that we can’t ‘have it all’ so if we create one thing we will have to give up something else.  It becomes easier to avoid what we want, to prevent guilt and pain.

    As humans, we are hardwired to avoid pain.  And who wants to feel the pain of owning, let alone expressing, what you would love when it feels impossible, there will be judgement for wanting it or to face consequences if you have it.  When we are grappling with this inner turmoil, is it any wonder it’s simply easier to “not know” what we would love?

    If all you’re trying to do in life is avoid pain, you will never be able to create what you truly love.

    In the words of  Joseph Campbell,  “pain is inherent in life, suffering is optional". Of course, it’s painful when we fail, when something doesn't work, when we don’t think we can create something, when someone tells us that we are wrong.  However, trying to avoid pain causes us to live  limited lives. Suffering is when we allow that pain to mean something about us - that we are  failures who will never be enough, etc. 

    Allowing pain into our lives, yet refusing to allow it to become suffering will allow us to blossom and create what we want in our lives. 

    It was when I let go of what I thought I should want (traditional success, high paid job, recognition, a fancy car, financial freedom and passive income), stopped trying to ‘fix’ myself,  started listening to my Spirit and embraced creative tension that I started to uncover what brought me the most joy in life.


    I encourage you to take a moment to:

    Ask yourself – if you could wave a magic wand and have what you love (no guilt…no downside… it’s all possible … just for its own sake… for the pure joy of it…), what would that be? 

    Own it.  Choose it for yourself - without needing to know how you will create it (The HOW)

    Feel the tension - notice the disparity between what you want and what you have now. Notice what your rational mind starts to tell you!  Notice all the stories it has for you about why it’s not possible, what circumstances stop you, what your limitations are, what bad things would happen if you had it, who would have to get hurt in the process.  Be aware of the stories you tell yourself – as if they were real, without questioning their validity. Notice the feelings that arise within you.  How you want to make yourself feel better? (your strategies for resolving tension)   

    Keep owning it anyway!  Tension is necessary for creation. If you resolve your tension to feel better, you will continue along the same old pathways.

    I am still discovering things I love and want in my life.   Sometimes I still don’t allow myself to see what I would truly love because I don’t believe it’s possible. This is an ongoing process for all of us. 

    So, create a new habit of asking what you would love and owning the answer.   Learn to appreciate the tension that arises.  Take a breath and ask yourself frequently, in all different situations, “what would I love?”

  • Creating Beyond Resistance

    “There exists in the Universe a blind refractory force that denies the will of God”

    – Plato


    There is a premise that states, “resistance will try to prevent us from creating the things that we would love and anything that stands in the way of our creations, is resistance”.

    Now, that doesn't mean it's a law or an indefatigable truth.  To me, a premise is a hypothesis… an idea about the way things work.  If the premise is applied in our lives, and we can create more effortlessly, GREAT.   If the premise does not serve in creating what we would love, then it is time to adopt a new premise!


    I like this premise of ‘everything that stops us from going for what we love is resistance’ because then if something happens to take us off track we don't see it as a sign that we shouldn't be going for the things that we love. We just recognize whatever is happening as resistance that our ego is putting in place to try and protect us.  We have a choice to buy into the resistance or say “not today, you don’t get to kick my butt today”.   Or for the GOT fans, ‘what do we say to the God of Resistance….not today!’


    Why do we get resistance?  


    Our instinct, or ego, does whatever it can to keep us safe in the world.   One of the ways it does this is through fear, uncertainty, and doubt – this is the resistance that stops us from creating what we would truly love.  In trying to protect us, our ego comes up with a variety of ways to stop us in the tracks of creation.


    If we define resistance as ‘anything that stands in the way of creating what we would love’, we will see that it can show up internally or externally.  


    § Internal Resistance: what happens in the moment


    Our instinct often provides thoughts and feelings that prevent us from taking a step forward toward what we would love.  These thoughts and feelings foster emotions that drive our actions.  These ego-driven actions further support our resistance.   Resistance can often play out as a vicious cycle of procrastination and time spent on inessential activity. 


    In the moment resistance is sneaky, often we don’t even realize it is happening.   How often do you find yourself sucked into hours of Facebook scrolling instead of taking action to serve your end result?  I know that I had to address my own resistance to finish this article for the membership!   


    § Internal Resistance:  Setting yourself up for failure 


    Resistance often plays a long game:  leaving something to the last minute and ending up with a problem.


    I remember a situation where a client ran into her own resistance long game.  I was hosting a retreat that my client had on her calendar for months.  The morning of the retreat, she realized that she had not got new tires for her car.  This errand had been on her list for a long time but was never addressed.  When she arrived at the garage, she learned that there was not enough time for the tires to be changed and her tires were too bald to make the trip to the retreat.  


    It seems like these things ‘just happen’ or are bad luck. But our ego is sneaky and will often set us up to miss out on what will serve us to create.   


    § External Resistance:  outside events


    External resistance is a little harder to recognize.  It includes things that we seemingly have no control over yet show up when we are going for what we love. 


    “My child always gets sick before I leave for a trip…”

    “I can’t go to the class because I have a migraine…”

    “I was late to that interview because of traffic…”

    “I repel technology.  My internet crapped out right before my meeting with a new prospect…”


    In fact, I've run four new membership orientations over the past few weeks.   During every session, when we started sharing what resistance we had to the membership, my internet died and I got kicked off the call.

    What a great example of how external resistance can play out.

    How to Overcome Resistance:  recognize and name in the moment! 

    Treat anything that is stopping you from creating what you would love as resistance.  

    Name what you are resisting (why are you resisting getting on the call with your new prospect or making it to the retreat).

    Name what you are making that mean about you (powerless, not capable, etc.)

    Reconnect with your vision, end result and emotion you feel in that space.

    Simply ask: “what’s obvious from here” and take the obvious action


    You’ll be surprised what may shift in the moment.  In my experience, my internet kicked back in.    Your next obvious action may be something that you can activate on in the moment or may be an insight that gets you back on your path in creating what you would love. 


    The most important thing is to not allow resistance to stop is from taking the next step forward in creation. 

  • Our desire to define  

    There is a survival impulse to our desire to define things.  We believe that we will be safe when we know how things are because then we know how to respond.  Imagine if we had to learn, over and over again that a fire is hot or a knife is sharp. 

    We take on definitions daily from many different sources.

    The people in our lives - parents and teachers, co-workers and friends

    Society in general – magazines, television

    We also create them ourselves – from seeking meaning from experiences   

    However, not all definitions serve us. They become dangerous when we take them on unconsciously, without scrutinizing them for helpfulness.  They are not necessarily an accurate reflection of ourselves or the world around us.  We assume, though, that our definitions are a true reflection of reality and we then create our life so that our experience matches that definition.

    Our definitions create our reality and experience of life 

    We define ourselves.  

    Imagine defining yourself as “not good at math(s)” and so “math(s) is hard”. When you have this definition how do you feel about the subject?  How do you approach it?  Maybe you spend less time on it, you assume you can’t do it because it’s hard and so you avoid it.  This in turn leads to you not becoming proficient at math(s). When you have a test you will find it hard as you can’t answer the questions thus creating your definition.


    We define something/someone

    I worked with a client who was about to present their strategy to their senior leadership team.  My client was hearing from presenters the previous day that the leadership team were “difficult and critical”.  


    When we looked at that definition how my client wanted to respond based on that definition it made them want to be proactively defensive and not listen to any feedback.  When I asked them “if you were the leadership team how would you respond to someone who was defensive and didn’t listen to feedback” they said “I’d be annoyed and want to show them where they were wrong”.  Sound ‘difficult and critical’?  Everyone was creating their own experience of that leadership team based on their definition.


    We define a situation

    If we define an event as terrible and awful, that will be our experience of it.  Our reality is based on our definition not on inherent truth.  As Joseph Campbell is quoted as saying “Pain is inherent, suffering is optional”.  Suffering comes about because of the definitions and meaning we place on our experience.


    Imagine getting a flat tire.  If you define that as ‘bad’ and ‘my day is ruined’.  If this is our perspective, we will experience pain, annoyance and the “why me” mentality.  The impacts of that will continue to be felt about the rest of the day.  You go on to convince yourself that it is going to be “one of those days”.  The kind of day where you should have simply stayed in bed. You’ll be frustrated and snappy and more ‘bad’ things will happen and the cycle perpetuates.  


    Don’t change your definitions!

    “What” I hear you cry? If my definitions create my reality why don’t I simply change my definition of myself or of an event?


    If only it were that simple.  When we are focusing on changing our definitions we are still putting the power in the definitions and not what we are creating.  We are buying into the fact that the definition is important, that it has the power.  So, by trying to change the definition we are, in fact, putting more power in the unhelpful definitions.   


    Staring into your bathroom mirror each morning and reciting affirmations about how you want to be will not alter your fundamental definitions.  Our subconscious mind receives the message we believe, not the message we wish to believe! It receives the message of how we behave not what we say.


    For example: If you stand in the mirror reciting, “I feel pretty”, your subconscious mind looks at your behaviour: reading articles on how to make yourself more pretty with make-up, spending all of your disposable income on beauty aids and trying to convince yourself in front of the mirror and realizes “you don’t really believe this”,


    These mantras simply reinforce the message we are trying to change and we are even more entrenched in the unhelpful definition.


    So how do we shift?

    Our focus creates our reality so we shift by moving our focus away from the definition and putting it on what we want to create, then allowing the next step to become obvious from there.


    Imagine we are operating from a definition that going to the grocery store is a difficult, stressful experience.  As a result, we dread going and put it off until we can’t do so any longer and then go when we are rushed and hungry.  We are already in a bad mood and that’s what we are focused on so we forget our mask and have to go back and so it goes on with us saying to ourselves, “I knew it was going to be awful”.


    Instead of operating from those definitions we can ask ourselves - what is my END RESULT of going to the grocery store?  And don’t let yourself get away with “to get food” – go a bit higher than that – what does it truly serve? What do you want to create? What would you love?


    Maybe it’s wanting to create delicious meals and happy dinner time memories with my family.  The higher vibration of your end result is more powerful than your definitions and will propel you forward in creating what you would love, not trying to prove your definition correct. 

    You will find you have a different approach to your visit and everything will more effortless and fun:

    You will naturally make healthier food choices 

    You’ll pick up less of what “you don’t need” and spend less 

    Your trip will be smoother and shorter 

    Or, what may become obvious to you from your end result is to have your groceries delivered! 


    Remember, we are either in the energy of creation or we are in the energy of proving our beliefs, assumptions and definitions.  Awareness always is the first step. Choosing to be aware of when you’re operating from definitions will serve you in recognizing it, allowing you to shift into creating from your end result.

Welcome to Expanding Possibilities

At Expanding Possibilities, we believe that everyone has the power to create the lives they would love.

We partner with our clients in a thought-provoking and creative process that inspires them to maximize their personal and professional potential.  

Through our courses, coaching and masterminds, we help people connect back to what they would truly love in their lives and give them the tools to create it.  

Explore how we expand possibilities for:


Working with successful, professional women and senior female leaders to strengthen their professional voice and break through the glass ceiling.  Together, we identify what drives the inner passion for their role and unlock self-imposed barriers to fulfilling their greatest potential.  Our clients find power from within to pursue what brings them true inner happiness and produce amazing professional and personal outcomes.   


Ingenuity is the lifeblood of entrepreneurship.  Often it is clouded by fear and uncertainty.   Together, we cut through the distractions to identify core passions and build structures to support you to get started, business development, authentic selling and continued business growth. 


We all want unified and passionate teams that drive enthusiasm for the collective mission.  This program brings leadership teams together to build aligned strategies, stronger business outcomes and generate an excitement that penetrates the greater organization.

Ellen D. Coomber
Founder and CEO


Get Clear On Your Purpose & Live Your Lush Life

DO you want to experience more joy and flow in your life?

When you’re clear on your purpose you are able to align your whole life more fully.  Whether it’s a fulfilling and rewarding career or an inspiring business. It may even be simply a day-to-day experience of life where you feel more energised, and focused and consistently have more moments of joy and ease than before.

Is this course right for me?

  • Are you looking for more meaning in your work?

  • Are you feeling stuck right now and want to gain clarity on your next steps?

  • Do you want to bring more joy and ease into your life?

what you can expect from this course

  • Get clarity on your purpose and vision

    When you’re clear on what your purpose is it gives you the freedom to create a rewarding and fulfilling life without second guessing yourself.

  •  Identify your zone of genius

    When you know your zone of genius and can own your unique gifts and talents, you can spend more time working with them.  Not only will this bring you greater joy – it also means that you can create with greater ease, leaving you more time to enjoy and experience other things too.

  • Uncover your lush life

    Your lush life consists of all the things that bring you joy.  When you’re creating your lush life you will realise that you can in fact have everything that you truly love. Everything that you truly love is available for you.

  • Have a plan for your next steps

    Leave the course with easily identifiable next steps that will align your life to your purpose. Receive a daily practice to support you on your journey. By participating in this course, you’ll feel the inner motivation and strength that comes from knowing your truth and be on the path to live your purpose!

If you are struggling with next steps, or just don’t feel like you know what you want to do in your life, I cannot recommend Ellen enough.  She is a candid but gentle guide to show you the untapped force inside you that just needs to have the gate opened for it to work...
— Adam R

In this five-week course we will explore:

  • The life you truly want

  • What fills your purpose bucket

  • Your zone of genius

The truth of what will truly serve your purpose, life and spirit is in the overlap of these three areas.

With the “CLARIFY” method, you will experience a new and effortless way to uncover your purpose

“Clarify gently leads you through a deep process during which you will learn much more about yourself than your purpose! Insights came along from each exercise that we did. Even though I had done some similar exercises before, the structure of Clarify enabled me to get to a much deeper level and unearth many golden nuggets of insight.”  Dawn P

What you will receive:

    • Delivered virtually over Zoom

    • Recorded in case you miss the live sessions.

    • 7th/14th/21st/28th November and 5th December

      • 6-9pmSession: UK (12-3pm CST)

      • 6-7pm Sharing & Connecting (Weeks 2-4)

      • 7-9pm Live CLARIFY training

  • Self-paced, these exercises will support you to go even deeper into uncovering your purpose

  • These weekly sessions during the course allow you to pop on and ask any questions or get support from one of the certified Expanding Possibilities coaches.

    • 10th / 17th / 24th Nov & 1st Dec

    • 6-7pm UK / 12-1pm US

    • These will be recorded

  • Click on the “Questions,” button button in the Resource Hub and ask a question at any time. Receive support within 24 hours (during weekdays).

  • Here you will find all the worksheets, meditations, exercises and recordings from the sessions to review as you need.

To recap CLARIFY consists of Five Live Training Sessions delivered through weekly sessions on Zoom, and access to five pre-recorded training modules, alongside weekly coaching and the opportunity to ask us anything throughout the course.

Module 1:  Unlocking Your C.A.G.E.

We all have a C.A.G.E. that limits the expression of our spirit in the world.  In this module you will uncover how your cage is limiting you in relation to your purpose. Bringing awareness to this will allow you to spot when you’re operating from your C.A.G.E. and will allow you to step out and act in alignment with your purpose instead.

Module 2 & 3: Spiralling Up

CLARIFY is designed to support you to “spiral up” and expand your possibilities to the clearest vision of your purpose by looking at it through three different lens:

  • Your Gifts and Talents

  • What brings you joy throughout the whole of your life

  • Your mission

Module 4:  Creating A vision Of Your Purpose & A Plan

Now we have spiralled up, we can create a clear picture of your purpose and how you want to express that in the world.  With this, expect to feel a new sense of joy and freedom.  

 Module 5:  Plan & Next Steps

In this module you will look at your specific, actionable next steps to create your purpose in the world.  We will also look at how you can stay out of your CAGE and create what you love.

What previous attendees got from the course

“I got to acknowledge and honor this little, like seed idea that had been growing in me about writing children's stories. And it was like I set the intention to just be open to what would drop in during CLARIFY. And that was what dropped in.”

“I've struggled for years to articulate my purpose. And so having just taken that time out to, to follow your expert process was, it was really insightful. It really helped me clarify not just my purpose, but some, some other things as well”

CLARIFY was an experience that not only expanded my mind but also saved my soul. Through the course I was able to learn about parts of myself that I never knew existed. Ellen creates a warm, kind and safe environment where you can let yourself be vulnerable and which in turn allows you to bring your true self to the class. This experience will help you wake up from what you thought life was to living the life you want.
— Roman S.

And if that’s not enough…

receive three bonus modules to support you in creating your purpose in the world

  • Our unconscious beliefs can keep us stuck – knowing what they are allows us to identify when we are operating from them and then to consciously choose a different path. The great thing is that you don’t need to change them, just being aware of them can facilitate profound shifts in your life.

  • Your intuition will guide you if you let it! In this module we will connect you to your intuition and show you some of the many different ways you can connect to your intuition yourself

  • When you go for what you love, it’s natural for your doubts and fears to come up. In this module, we show you our unique and simple exercise to spot when you’re operating from your C.A.G.E. and S.H.I.F.T. out if it.


$297.00 for the course

 We believe you can have it all

We believe that you can, in fact, have everything you truly want. But, what we truly want can get lost over time as we try to do what we think we ‘should’ do.

When we are trying to do all the things we ‘should’ do we don’t have time to do the things we love to do. We start to believe we can’t fit it all in and typically what we truly love takes a back seat.

Watch the video to find out more about how we lose the connection with our true selves, our spirit, and how we can reconnect again. You’ll know if it’s for you after the first 5 mins!

Ready for the next step?

Set up a call with me to see if our C.R.E.A.T.E. Your Lush Life Program is right for you

 We have a CAGE that limits us

This video was taken from the start of a community webinar and introduces our essential philosophy. We all have a CAGE that we have created to keep us safe. This CAGE, however, keeps us limited and takes us off track from creating what we woudl truly love - in our lives and our businesses. Stepping out of our CAGE and creating from a place of our essential human spirit connects us to our joy and a life that we would love; our ‘Lush Life’.

Welcome to Expanding Possibilities

At Expanding Possibilities, we believe that everyone has the power to create the lives they would love.

We partner up with our clients in a thought-provoking and creative process that inspires them to maximize their personal and professional potential.  

Through Expanding Possibilities Creative Living Coaching & Programs, we help people connect back to what they would truly love in their lives and give them the tools to create it.  We know that our clients are powerful.  As coaches, we enable people to connect to their inner power and joy, while releasing the fears, anxiety and stories that often trip us up. 

In Expanding Possibilities Creative Business Coaching & Programs, we harness the power of intuition to expand mature business practices.  The Expanding Possibilities methodology connects businesses and individuals back to their professional and personal passions by leveraging their creative orientation.

Through this framework, we elevate professional and personal growth, increase productivity and profit, and expand results.   

40th bday bio pic.png

Ellen D. Coomber
Founder and CEO

people and business

We love connecting people back to their personal and professional passions and are privileged to witness the joy that unfolds as they achieve results they never believed possible.

Kickass women

Working with successful, professional women and senior female leaders to strengthen their professional voice and break through the myth of the glass ceiling.  Together, we identify what drives the inner passion for their role and unlock self-imposed barriers to fulfilling their greatest potential.  Our clients find power from within to pursue what brings them true inner happiness and produce amazing professional and personal outcomes.   

Purpose-led Entrepreneurs

Ingenuity is the lifeblood of entrepreneurship.  Often it is clouded by fear and uncertainty.   Together, we cut through the distractions to identify core passions and build structures to support how to get started, business development, authentic selling and continued business growth. 

inspiring High-Performance Teams

We all want unified and passionate teams that drive enthusiasm for the collective mission.  This curriculum brings leadership teams together to build aligned strategies, stronger business outcomes and generate an excitement that penetrates the greater organization.


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How Can We Help?


1-1 Coaching

This six month coaching structure will support you to create the life and business of your dreams effortlessly.

You will also have access to online resources that will support your journey as well as to a community of people who are all on their journey and support each other In living our highest possibility!


Creative Council is a structure of planning, masterminding, training and a community that will support you to create a business that brings you joy and fits in with the rest of your life, effortlessly.

We have new people joining us each quarter. There is pre-work to do before your first meeting so we suggest joining a minimum of a month before the first quarterly meeting.

Our next start date for the pre-work is 1st December.


Unlock your CAGE - 6 weeks to step out of your CAGE and fly free

This six week virtual course will support you in identifying your CAGE and how to open it up and get out and create the life you'd love effortlessly. 

free resources

Articles and insights to support you to expand possibilities for you and your business.

Ellen Bio Pic.png

ellen coomber

I am a dedicated creator… friend, daughter, teacher, student, traveller, adventurer and life enthusiast.  I am committed to living in the creative orientation and bringing the passion and joy of living creatively to others. 

Having spent 20 years in sales and building sales and leadership teams I now love to bring the creative orientation to people in business.


tracy loring

I am an Artist, Facilitator, Consultant, and Creative Coach. My mission is to create experiences that help you tap into the most creative part of yourself, maximize your potential, and create what you would love in your life.

Whether it's trying to identify and solve a business problem, create a vision and strategy to drive results, align your team, engage your workforce, or create the personal life you would love,

I help you get clarity on what you are trying to achieve and put structures in place to help you achieve it.

Carrie Nauyalis headshot 2020.jpg
Moriah headshot.png

Carrie nauyalis

I am a financial coach, creative coach, product marketer, public speaker, and innovation expert. My passion is to inspire and teach people how to tap directly into their spirit and intentionally create a life they absolutely love -- on purpose, with purpose.  

The creative premises apply to every aspect of our personal and professional lives. As a creative coach I hold space for my clients, guiding them through the process of uncovering their highest truth, shining a bright light on any obstacles that may take them off course, and encouraging them to pursue the next obvious step towards realizing their dreams.

moriah olearnek

I believe that enlightenment and joy create the foundation for fulfilling lives.  After a 20-year career in Corporate America, I decided to dedicate myself to individuals and entrepreneurs who are in pursuit of creating the lives and businesses they would truly love.   

I know my clients are all powerful and once connected back to their true essence, the possibilities in their lives are limitless.  


Living in the creative orientation

Imagine that perfect moment when everything is in alignment, when everything is flowing smoothly, every light is green.  When you feel in the zone.

There is a special point when you're sailing and the boat is balanced and you can helm with two fingers on the wheel and its pure bliss.  When you've set up a perfect balance between wind and sails and there is nothing to do but enjoy the ride.  Sailors call this 'in the groove'.

That, for me, is what it's like to live in the creative orientation. 

"Until we make the unconscious, conscious, it directs our life and we call it fate" - Carl Jung

Too many people are unconscious to what is really driven them in life.  When you become conscious not only can you catch the wave but you can create your own wave.  To everyone else this looks like magic, like amazing things are just happening to you, like luck.  But to the conscious we know that we can create these moments all the time by tapping into our innate ability to create our own wave.

Have you experienced times in your life where things seem to flow?  Where there was synchronicity? And it all seemed to come together ‘as if by magic’?  And then at other times where no matter how hard you worked it felt like everything was going against you?  That you faced every obstacle?  Where you seemed to get the exact opposite of your goals?

At its simplest this is the difference between creating from our genius and our identity.

“The world is but a canvas to our imagination”

Henry David Thoreau

We all have these 2 orientations in our consciousness and playing out in our lives.  Our genius – which is an expression of our truth and purpose and our identity – a collection of beliefs that have built up over the years and give us a picture of the world that isn’t true but drives our action nonetheless.

Our identity’s roles is to keep us safe, secure and is concerned with our survival, however, in doing so it also keeps us small as it drives us based on untrue version of ourselves and unconsciously sabotages us from connecting to and creating what we’d truly love to do and have in our lives.

If we are not consciously choosing to connect to and create from our genius, then we are allowing our identity to run the show.  This can leave us feeling empty with a feeling of ‘is this it?’ or ‘why is life so hard?’

What if you could connect to your genius in any given moment and create what you’d love in flow?

You can learn to connect to your genius in any given moment – connect to the truth of who you are, your passion and purpose and create in flow.

Throughout all my sessions I work with you to connect you to what you’d truly love to have in your life, give you the knowledge and tools you need to create it and support you along the most wondrous of human journeys – connecting to our true spirit.

Simply put you’ll be able to ‘Live from Genius’ and create everything you’d love to have in your life.

Working with me

As I’ve connected to my genius and my true nature and purpose for my life it became clear that I was in a shadow career, training people in sales – teaching in a safe way that made my identity happy but didn’t make my genius sing.

Part of my true vision for my life is connecting people to their genius and supporting them to create that and combining that with travel, adventure, family and friends all over the world.

It can sometimes be scary, as well as exhilarating, to step into a new path and work with someone new, particularly when our beliefs and identity are throwing up resistance and fear in an effort to keep us on the path we’re on.

Because of this if you would truly love to connect to your genius I believe that there is something calling you to this and so I’m offering an introductory reading (Value £150) for £35 to give you the opportunity to step into a new world and connect to your genius and see whether it’s true for you to take the next step on the journey.

Contact me at ellen@ellencoomber.com for more information and to set up a session.

Free Resources:

Create Your Lush Life Business Toolkit

The personal practices I used to go from leaving my corporate job to creating my dream business with the freedom to sail the world.

Sales: Sleazy to Sensational

Mini-workshop to identify your unique selling spirit and go from feeling icky about sales to confident.

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Ellen coomber - founder

I am a dedicated creator… friend, daughter, teacher, student, traveller, adventurer and life enthusiast.  I am committed to living in the creative orientation and bringing the passion and joy of living creatively to others. 

Having spent 20 years in sales and building sales and leadership teams I now love to bring the creative orientation to people in business.


tracy loring - certified EP coach

I am an Artist, Facilitator, Consultant, and Creative Coach. 
My mission is to create experiences that help you tap into the most creative part of yourself, maximize your potential, and create what you would love in your life. 

Whether it's trying to identify and solve a business problem, create a vision and strategy to drive results, align your team, engage your workforce, or create the personal life you would love, I help you get clarity on what you are trying to achieve and put structures in place to help you achieve it.