Expanding Your Leadership Possibilities: Creative Leadership

At Expanding Possibilities, our leadership programs centre around expanding awareness for our clients, including awareness of how they view themselves, their teams, where they are putting their focus, and what is driving their results.

This expanded awareness creates space for innovation, new ways of thinking, and opportunities for increased engagement for themselves and their teams.  

Expanded awareness allows those ‘Ah-ha!’ moments of brilliance to come through more effortlessly. Based on tried-and-true learning and talent development principles, decades of executive and individual coaching, and pulling from a myriad of additional modalities, we tailor our leadership programs to meet your specific needs and outcomes. 

We meet you and your teams where they are and help you get to where you want to be. The tools and resources clients learn have far-reaching impacts outside of their day-to-day jobs.

They become better leaders and happier humans.

Below is an overview of the programs we provide. 

Self Leadership

Before you can lead a team you must first lead yourself.

The four modules in this course are best delivered split over several months to allow people time to practice and assimilate their new way of approaching their work, and life.

Module 1: S.H.I.F.T. (TM) out of your C.A.G.E. (TM)

  • How can we unconsciously sabotage ourselves, our results, and our relationships

  • How to recognize this sabotaging behavior and S.H.I.F.T. (TM) out of it so we create

    • Better relationships with colleagues

    • Spend energy on creating our results not worrying

Module 2: Creating end results

  • Recognizing the power of working with end results and outcomes

  • Creating an effective end result to

    • Drive faster and more creative insights

    • Tap into our natural intuitive superpower; our innovation powerhouse

Module 3: C.R.E.A.T.E.(TM)

  • Working effectively through constant change

  • How to create structures that speed up your end results

    • Drive results faster

    • Create more innovation

Module 4: Create and Adjust

  • Getting unstuck with projects, strategies, and quota

  • Raising the level of performance

    • Move faster

    • Growth Mindset

This 4 module workshop is relevant for team members in any position in the company from individual contributors to CEOs.

Team collaboration

The team collaboration modules address a team’s need to work together effectively for the good of the business by:

  • Reducing silos

  • Increasing collaboration

  • Increasing personal accountability

  • Increase the speed of decision making

There are 3 key workshops

  • Team Collaboration - 2-day workshop

  • Synergy & Vision - 1-day workshop

  • Intuitive Business Planning - 2-day workshop

creative leadership

Once leaders can master themselves they are better able to lead their team to:

  • Increase productivity

  • Increase engagement

  • Increase creativity and innovation

  • Increased collaboration

In this 9-month program leaders:

  • Set their vision for their role as a creative leader and look at where their C.A.G.E. (TM) holds them back as a leader and set a plan to address

  • Creative Coaching

    1. How to lead people through key self-leadership exercises

    2. Identify what people are bringing to the table in your team and understand how to best work with people individually and as a team 

    3. Identify your team’s individual challenges and support them to S.H.I.F.T. out

    4. Structure effective 1-1s to support people to hit their priorities

    5. Communication and Influencing

  • Facilitating a synergy and vision session

  • Facilitate a creative planning session with their team- creating priorities so everyone bought in 

  • Manage Conflict with Integrity

  • Strategic Decision Making

  • Work with their team to reduce the feeling of overwhelm and keep their team focused on the priorities.

  • Onboarding their people into the effective self-leadership

Book a discovery call to learn more

These three areas can be delivered separately or as part of a program. We will work with you to identify the strengths and challenges of your team to determine what the best pathway is.

To see what difference the Creative Leadership Program could make to your team book a call ad we can see if we would be the best fit to support your team to their next level.

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