Lush Life Business Program
I speak to many business owners who would love to create the business of their dreams but do not have the clarity they need to make it a success.
That’s why I created the Lush Life Business Program.
The Lush Life Business Program is for service providers who want to create a business that has a positive impact on the world AND makes them money, but want to do it without crushing their body or soul with the traditional ‘work hard and hustle’ culture.
Starting a new business can feel painful and hard. Usually, this comes down to two things:
You’re not clear on the business vision that aligns with your spirit’s purpose in the world
You don’t have a structure in place that supports you to create the clients you want to work with
That’s what we work on together.
We’ll work together 1-1 to identify what business you want to create and build a structure for marketing and sales that feels good to you and aligned with your values.
After our 1-1 time you’ll continue on a group program that will support you to continue to create the life, and business you love, effortlessly.
After working together, you’ll:
Have a clear business vision and purpose that’s aligned to you
Have a clear idea of who your desired client is
Have a business structure in place that supports you to create your business
Have a clear set of actions for the next year, quarter and month
We’re going to solve the 3 big problems that stop service-based businesses starting and growing their business effortlessly.
Not being clear on the business they want to create
You know you have a good idea and believe it will serve people but you’re not sure how to monetize it, or exactly what it looks like.
Not having a business structure in place that supports you to create your business
There are so many different options for business structures out there and you’re not sure which one will work best for your business.
Not clear on the next steps and actions
You’re trying to start your business and listening to how everyone else is doing it. But everyone has a different ‘right way’ so you end up confused as to what you ‘should’ do and end up exhausted doing it all or doing nothing.
The solution: let go of listening to how everyone else is telling you to do it, how you think you ‘should’ do it, and start listening to your inner spirit that knows how best for you to get clients!
In the Lush Life Business Program
First, we’ll get clear on your unique purpose and how your business purpose and vision align with that - including your profit, impact, and ease
If you’re not clear on this it’s like building a business on shifting sands. This is the foundation that allows you to build something solid that’s ready for expansion.
It’s easy to set goals for your business based on what you think you should be doing, but these lead you down a path that doesn’t serve you.
Getting clear on what you really want sets up the tension that fuels your spirit to give you insights and the next steps that will guide you to what you truly want.
Next, we’ll look at what structures you need in your business to support you to create with ease
There are so many ways to build a business and so many different structures that can support us. There is a tendency to address everything at once and get overwhelmed rather than just focusing on what we need to put in for today.
Then, we’ll get clear on your plan and your actions to get things moving
There are so many different ways to start and grow your business and so many voices out there telling you how to do it, that it can get confusing.
We’re going turn down the noise of those voices and using some simple structured intuitive practices you’ll create a plan that works for you.
You’ll build out your 90-day plan to start and grow your business effortlessly and start to see the magic roll in!
Finally, you’ll be in a group structure that will continue to support you to create
With quarterly, and monthly planning sessions, weekend workshops, masterclasses, and weekly group coaching calls you’ll never be far from support to enable you to grow your business in line with your life and create the profit, impact, and ease you want in your life.
Here’s how we’ll work together on this
We’ll work together for 12 months. Here’s the pathway:
Kickoff Call
50-minute 1-1 kick-off call - in this session, we’ll go deep into your vision for this program, as well as create a roadmap of our 12 weeks working together to set you up for success.
Month 1 - 3: Building Your Business from Spirit
You’ll get access to the first few modules which will take you through my signature process of:
Aligning your business purpose and vision to your personal purpose and vision
Creating your yearly and quarterly priorities,
Creating Your Sales and Marketing Plan - defining your desired client
Understanding how to create your business intuitively with joy and ease
As you progress, you’ll submit your work to me for feedback.
You may choose to work through this in less than 3 months.
We’ll book in 9 x 45 min 1-1 calls over the 12 week period. In these calls, we’ll review your purpose, vision, and plan, go deeper where we need to navigate blocks, and get you connected to your spirit. Basically, this is your time to get my eyes on your business. You’ll receive a recording of our one-to-one sessions so you can listen back if helpful.
For the duration of the first 12 week partnership**, you’ll get access to me on What’s App on Mon-Thurs between 9am-5pm. You can leave me a voice note or text and I’ll get back to you as soon as I can and def before I finish for the day! It means you don’t need to wait for a 1-1 call to get help.
Once you’ve done the initial modules you can join the group calls and connect with and get support from others on the journey.
Months 3-10: Lush Life Business Group Program
You’ll connect with the group and have access to all the additional content that will support you to build out your offers and continue to grow your profit, impact, and ease.
You’ll continue to have access to me Tues-Thurs to answer questions and give feedback as you grow your business.
I take 2 months off my weekly schedule in the UK summer - we do the monthly connections calls and quarterly planning calls - you have access to me over text if you need support but we don’t do the weekly calls. The content of the program runs over 10 months but you can split payments over 12 months.
The investment:
The whole program is £4500
Paid Upfront is £4050 (10% discount)
Paid monthly over 12 months is £375
If selected alone the ‘Building Your Business from Spirit’ aspect contains the majority of the content and 9 x 1-1 calls and is £2400
Please ask me about payment plans if you need one.
If you join the Business from Spirit 1:1 program and decide to upgrade to the Lush Life Business Program within three months you can apply the costs towards the Lush Life Business program and pay the difference upfront or monthly.
Time and energy:
The investment is not only financial - to make the program successful you need to bring the following as well:
Your desire to create differently and the will to operate differently from how you normally do!
Spend 2-3 hours a week watching content and doing the exercises to design your business
Spend 15 minutes a day on your intuitive business-building practices
Follow through on what you get intuitively - even when you don’t like it!
Guarantees / Notes
Firstly, please only join Lush Life Business or Business from Spirit if you’re committed to showing up, learning, and taking intuitive actions. I can guarantee you, you’ll be in the same place in 12 weeks if you don’t!
But, here’s my guarantee to you: if you complete and implement all the modules, attend the 9 x 1:1 sessions, and can look me in the eye and say you’ve followed through on your actions and you still have not created clarity of purpose, direction and started creating more clients I will work with you 1:1 until you have.
Lush Life Business Love it or Leave it 3-month guarantee: If you join the Lush Life Business Program and don’t love this way of working in the first 3 months you can leave and just continue to pay for the Business From Spirit program - you retain all the content in the program.
Refunds: If in the first 14 days of starting the program this way of working is not for you, I’ll refund your money no questions asked (although I’d love your feedback so i can address and improve things as necessary)
Next Steps
I only accept 3 new clients across all my programs each month.
If you’d like to go ahead or have more questions, simply book a call with me.
Once we’ve confirmed availability, I’ll send you a link to sign up for the program and we’ll book our Kick-Off Call.
Client Love
Sherin broke through her “client plateau” and created her dream lifestyle of bi-country living
“I felt stuck in my business — every time I gained a new client, I lost one. It felt impossible to get ahead. Since working with Ellen, I now have a steadily growing client roster & a super stable client base. The extra revenue has allowed me to live in the UK during the summer and in my native South Africa during the winter. I get the best of both worlds!”
Anne K. Scott, Imagination Technologist, got comfortable with selling
"I am a sales cynic; allergic to the idea of using techniques and processes to manipulate someone to buy myself or my products. Now, I value what I have to offer in my business, and can have a conversation about it."
** I take the summer off from mid-June to mid-August so if your 10-month program runs over this time additional time will be added to the end of your program.