Meet Your Spirit

A 2-day workshop to tap you deeper into your spirit, build a stronger connection with your intuition and live an impactful life guided by your inner knowing.

DO you want to experience the power of your intuitive intelligence?

Have you ever had a feeling that you’ve ignored because it wasn’t logial or didn’t make sense, but later kicked yourself because if only you’d listened to yourself, things would have worked out differently?

That was your intuition speaking to you.

Your intuition guides you in a myriad of ways, but we’re often not accustomed to listening to it.

Is this course right for me?

  • Are you looking to connect more deeply to your intuition?

  • Do you want connect more deeply to your unique spirit?

  • Do you wish you trusted your intuition more?

what can I expect from this course?

Over two days you will build your intuitive muscle and harness the power of your spirit.  Taking an in-depth look at your individual intuitive gifts, you will learn how to amplify your spirit’s voice and:

  • Feel more grounded and centered than ever before

  • Gain a deeper understanding of your unique gifts and talents

  • Gain a deeper connection to your intuitive instinct

  • Learn how to truly listen to the messages your intuitive spirit is sharing

  • Learn how to drown out negative chatter from self and others as you confidently trust your own knowing

  • Clearly identify the difference between listening to your ego and you intuitive knowing

Through guided meditation, intuitive readings and Expanding Possibilities fundamental premises, you will complete this course with a renewed sense of self, a clear focus on what you love and a hardwired connection to your intuitive spirit.

If you are struggling with next steps, or just don’t feel like you know what you want to do in your life, I cannot recommend Ellen enough.  She is a candid but gentle guide to show you the untapped force inside you that just needs to have the gate opened for it to work...
— Adam R
    • Delivered virtually over Zoom

  • Here you will find worksheets, meditations, and exercises to support you as you move forward with your intuition

What previous attendees got from the course

I went into it with as open a heart as I could muster, but really had very little idea of what to expect.

I wanted to say thank you. This has been a transformative experience for me and I honestly don’t really know how it happened. What I do know is that you and your workshop helped me to see some of the things that make up my CAGE and gave me the courage to address them. . . The resulting freeing of that blockage has created an almost unbelievable flow of enrichment to my life. Not just my happiness level, my energy level, my finances, my relationships. . . It’s like I opened a door to a parallel world and stepped into it. . . That is how simple and effortless it seemed. Thank you. I feel like the person I always wanted to be, but felt like I couldn’t get there before.
— Adam R.

~Laura P


$225 - $197 pay in full or $75 over 3 payments


I’m so sure of this workshop that I’m giving you an Intuitive Connection Guarantee - if at the end of the workshop you can look me in the eye and tell me that you don’t feel any more connected to your intuition I’ll refund your fee or give you a free space on the next workshop.