Inspirational Entrepreneurs
Often our fears and assumptions are the biggest blockers to our success. They can seem insurmountable and very real. So how do you overcome them to realise your dream of our own business dong what you love?
- Starting up on your own can often be a daunting and lonely experience.
- You may be passionate about your product or service but not feel good about selling to people
- There may seem to be insurmountable hurdles to even getting started, it never seeming to be the right time
Through coaching, training, business groups I work with entrepreneurs to support them in overcoming these hurdles and creating the businesses they love.
Want more sales and feel 'icky' selling?
Feel Good Selling Lots
Never seems to be a good time to start?
Create the business and life you love
Feels daunting doing it alone?
Have a team by your side
““Ellen’s ‘Sensational Service of Selling’ course transformed my relationship with sales. Now I can sell with confidence knowing that I’m selling authentically and being of service to the people I speak to.” - ”
““I knew what my passion was but had no idea how I could turn it into a business and it never seemed to be the right now. Now I have a clear strategy and plan and I’ve gained 6 clients in the last 2 months.”