Get Clear On Your Purpose & Live Your Lush Life

DO you want to experience more joy and flow in your life?

When you’re clear on your purpose you are able to align your whole life more fully.  Whether it’s a fulfilling and rewarding career or an inspiring business. It may even be simply a day-to-day experience of life where you feel more energised, and focused and consistently have more moments of joy and ease than before.

Is this course right for me?

  • Are you looking for more meaning in your work?

  • Are you feeling stuck right now and want to gain clarity on your next steps?

  • Do you want to bring more joy and ease into your life?

what you can expect from this course

  • Get clarity on your purpose and vision

    When you’re clear on what your purpose is it gives you the freedom to create a rewarding and fulfilling life without second guessing yourself.

  •  Identify your zone of genius

    When you know your zone of genius and can own your unique gifts and talents, you can spend more time working with them.  Not only will this bring you greater joy – it also means that you can create with greater ease, leaving you more time to enjoy and experience other things too.

  • Uncover your lush life

    Your lush life consists of all the things that bring you joy.  When you’re creating your lush life you will realise that you can in fact have everything that you truly love. Everything that you truly love is available for you.

  • Have a plan for your next steps

    Leave the course with easily identifiable next steps that will align your life to your purpose. Receive a daily practice to support you on your journey. By participating in this course, you’ll feel the inner motivation and strength that comes from knowing your truth and be on the path to live your purpose!

If you are struggling with next steps, or just don’t feel like you know what you want to do in your life, I cannot recommend Ellen enough.  She is a candid but gentle guide to show you the untapped force inside you that just needs to have the gate opened for it to work...
— Adam R

In this five-week course we will explore:

  • The life you truly want

  • What fills your purpose bucket

  • Your zone of genius

The truth of what will truly serve your purpose, life and spirit is in the overlap of these three areas.

With the “CLARIFY” method, you will experience a new and effortless way to uncover your purpose

“Clarify gently leads you through a deep process during which you will learn much more about yourself than your purpose! Insights came along from each exercise that we did. Even though I had done some similar exercises before, the structure of Clarify enabled me to get to a much deeper level and unearth many golden nuggets of insight.”  Dawn P

What you will receive:

    • Delivered virtually over Zoom

    • Recorded in case you miss the live sessions.

    • 7th/14th/21st/28th November and 5th December

      • 6-9pmSession: UK (12-3pm CST)

      • 6-7pm Sharing & Connecting (Weeks 2-4)

      • 7-9pm Live CLARIFY training

  • Self-paced, these exercises will support you to go even deeper into uncovering your purpose

  • These weekly sessions during the course allow you to pop on and ask any questions or get support from one of the certified Expanding Possibilities coaches.

    • 10th / 17th / 24th Nov & 1st Dec

    • 6-7pm UK / 12-1pm US

    • These will be recorded

  • Click on the “Questions,” button button in the Resource Hub and ask a question at any time. Receive support within 24 hours (during weekdays).

  • Here you will find all the worksheets, meditations, exercises and recordings from the sessions to review as you need.

To recap CLARIFY consists of Five Live Training Sessions delivered through weekly sessions on Zoom, and access to five pre-recorded training modules, alongside weekly coaching and the opportunity to ask us anything throughout the course.

Module 1:  Unlocking Your C.A.G.E.

We all have a C.A.G.E. that limits the expression of our spirit in the world.  In this module you will uncover how your cage is limiting you in relation to your purpose. Bringing awareness to this will allow you to spot when you’re operating from your C.A.G.E. and will allow you to step out and act in alignment with your purpose instead.

Module 2 & 3: Spiralling Up

CLARIFY is designed to support you to “spiral up” and expand your possibilities to the clearest vision of your purpose by looking at it through three different lens:

  • Your Gifts and Talents

  • What brings you joy throughout the whole of your life

  • Your mission

Module 4:  Creating A vision Of Your Purpose & A Plan

Now we have spiralled up, we can create a clear picture of your purpose and how you want to express that in the world.  With this, expect to feel a new sense of joy and freedom.  

 Module 5:  Plan & Next Steps

In this module you will look at your specific, actionable next steps to create your purpose in the world.  We will also look at how you can stay out of your CAGE and create what you love.

What previous attendees got from the course

“I got to acknowledge and honor this little, like seed idea that had been growing in me about writing children's stories. And it was like I set the intention to just be open to what would drop in during CLARIFY. And that was what dropped in.”

“I've struggled for years to articulate my purpose. And so having just taken that time out to, to follow your expert process was, it was really insightful. It really helped me clarify not just my purpose, but some, some other things as well”

CLARIFY was an experience that not only expanded my mind but also saved my soul. Through the course I was able to learn about parts of myself that I never knew existed. Ellen creates a warm, kind and safe environment where you can let yourself be vulnerable and which in turn allows you to bring your true self to the class. This experience will help you wake up from what you thought life was to living the life you want.
— Roman S.

And if that’s not enough…

receive three bonus modules to support you in creating your purpose in the world

  • Our unconscious beliefs can keep us stuck – knowing what they are allows us to identify when we are operating from them and then to consciously choose a different path. The great thing is that you don’t need to change them, just being aware of them can facilitate profound shifts in your life.

  • Your intuition will guide you if you let it! In this module we will connect you to your intuition and show you some of the many different ways you can connect to your intuition yourself

  • When you go for what you love, it’s natural for your doubts and fears to come up. In this module, we show you our unique and simple exercise to spot when you’re operating from your C.A.G.E. and S.H.I.F.T. out if it.


$297.00 for the course