Living in the creative orientation
Imagine that perfect moment when everything is in alignment, when everything is flowing smoothly, every light is green. When you feel in the zone.
There is a special point when you're sailing and the boat is balanced and you can helm with two fingers on the wheel and its pure bliss. When you've set up a perfect balance between wind and sails and there is nothing to do but enjoy the ride. Sailors call this 'in the groove'.
That, for me, is what it's like to live in the creative orientation.
"Until we make the unconscious, conscious, it directs our life and we call it fate" - Carl Jung
Too many people are unconscious to what is really driven them in life. When you become conscious not only can you catch the wave but you can create your own wave. To everyone else this looks like magic, like amazing things are just happening to you, like luck. But to the conscious we know that we can create these moments all the time by tapping into our innate ability to create our own wave.
Have you experienced times in your life where things seem to flow? Where there was synchronicity? And it all seemed to come together ‘as if by magic’? And then at other times where no matter how hard you worked it felt like everything was going against you? That you faced every obstacle? Where you seemed to get the exact opposite of your goals?
At its simplest this is the difference between creating from our genius and our identity.
“The world is but a canvas to our imagination”
Henry David Thoreau
We all have these 2 orientations in our consciousness and playing out in our lives. Our genius – which is an expression of our truth and purpose and our identity – a collection of beliefs that have built up over the years and give us a picture of the world that isn’t true but drives our action nonetheless.
Our identity’s roles is to keep us safe, secure and is concerned with our survival, however, in doing so it also keeps us small as it drives us based on untrue version of ourselves and unconsciously sabotages us from connecting to and creating what we’d truly love to do and have in our lives.
If we are not consciously choosing to connect to and create from our genius, then we are allowing our identity to run the show. This can leave us feeling empty with a feeling of ‘is this it?’ or ‘why is life so hard?’
What if you could connect to your genius in any given moment and create what you’d love in flow?
You can learn to connect to your genius in any given moment – connect to the truth of who you are, your passion and purpose and create in flow.
Throughout all my sessions I work with you to connect you to what you’d truly love to have in your life, give you the knowledge and tools you need to create it and support you along the most wondrous of human journeys – connecting to our true spirit.
Simply put you’ll be able to ‘Live from Genius’ and create everything you’d love to have in your life.
Working with me
As I’ve connected to my genius and my true nature and purpose for my life it became clear that I was in a shadow career, training people in sales – teaching in a safe way that made my identity happy but didn’t make my genius sing.
Part of my true vision for my life is connecting people to their genius and supporting them to create that and combining that with travel, adventure, family and friends all over the world.
It can sometimes be scary, as well as exhilarating, to step into a new path and work with someone new, particularly when our beliefs and identity are throwing up resistance and fear in an effort to keep us on the path we’re on.
Because of this if you would truly love to connect to your genius I believe that there is something calling you to this and so I’m offering an introductory reading (Value £150) for £35 to give you the opportunity to step into a new world and connect to your genius and see whether it’s true for you to take the next step on the journey.
Contact me at for more information and to set up a session.