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Ellen coomber - founder

I am a dedicated creator… friend, daughter, teacher, student, traveller, adventurer and life enthusiast.  I am committed to living in the creative orientation and bringing the passion and joy of living creatively to others. 

Having spent 20 years in sales and building sales and leadership teams I now love to bring the creative orientation to people in business.


tracy loring - certified EP coach

I am an Artist, Facilitator, Consultant, and Creative Coach. 
My mission is to create experiences that help you tap into the most creative part of yourself, maximize your potential, and create what you would love in your life. 

Whether it's trying to identify and solve a business problem, create a vision and strategy to drive results, align your team, engage your workforce, or create the personal life you would love, I help you get clarity on what you are trying to achieve and put structures in place to help you achieve it.